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Increase Workplace Safety - Trash Removal

Prop­er trash removal is an impor­tant ele­ment of clean­ing safe­ty. Ensure to be wear­ing ppe gloves and fol­low prop­er pro­ce­dures to remove trash in a safe way.
Video Tran­scrip­tion:
Speak­er 1: All right, Bud Group Team. I’m here with my good friend John, our sub­ject mat­ter expert on the next task that we’re here to talk to you about today. And that is pulling trash. Pulling trash is one of the sim­plest things that we do, but also one of the things that caus­es the most injuries at the Bud Group. So John is going to talk us through how to do that safe. So it looks like we’ve got a trash can right here. So we’re going to pull it out and John, if you’d walk us through, what’s the first thing we’re going to do when we get ready to pull some trash?
John: Well, first thing we do when we’re pulling trash, we put our gloves on so we don’t get any­thing on our hands.
Speak­er 1: That’s right. You nev­er know what might end up being in there.
John: Maybe some gum or you know, any­thing that may cause us to hurt our­selves you don’t want have.
Speak­er 1: That’s right. Good deal. So what next?
John: So the next thing we do in pulling trash. I’ll take trash can out.
Speak­er 1: So let me ask you, this one does­n’t look like there’s too much in there, which is a good thing. But if it were piled up way high or it were up some­where near the top, could we just use our hands and shove it down in there?
John: No. We don’t use our hands to shove it down in there because it may be an object down in there that may punc­ture our hands. So we just take the trash if it was full, we just take the trash and we tie the bag first so we don’t spill any trash out. Tie the bag and we pull safe­ly with our knees and then we turn and place the trash in the trash barrel.
Speak­er 1: That’s awe­some. John just did a great job demon­strat­ing the prop­er way to pull it out. A lot of times what our folks will do, espe­cial­ly at the end of the shift when they’re get­ting tired is they’ll reach in bend­ing at their hips and yank it out. And as you all know, some­times that bag can get stuck in there and we start pulling with our low­er back it can cause us to pull out our low­er back. And the next thing that you notice he did is once he picked it up using his legs instead of twist­ing and drop­ping it some­where, he spun his body to face the trash can and dropped it in.
This is extreme­ly impor­tant when we’re talk­ing about being around a dump­ster. So a lot of times we’ll lift that up out of the bar­rel and we got the dump­ster behind us and we’ll do a twist­ing motion to throw it or get rid of it. And that twist­ing motion puts a lot of strain on our low­er back. So we want to lift with our legs, turn to face where we’re going to get rid of it and then drop it off. All right, so got the trash out. We’ve got it in the brute bar­rel. What’s next?
John: The next thing we do, we take our trash bag, we open our trash bag, make sure it’s ful­ly open, put our trash bag in. And what I like to do is make sure it’s secure on both sides and I tie it and make sure it’s tight around the rims. So the trash does­n’t seep out in the trash.
Speak­er 1: That’s right. Keep­ing those edges tight is going to keep that liq­uid or any­thing else from pulling the trash bag down into the trash can.
John: And I like to be a lit­tle neat about it so I tuck it in.
Speak­er 1: That’s right. Just like you would your bed at home. That’s right. All right. So then we’re going to load this thing back up. Very good. And we would pro­ceed to do that around the rest of the build­ing. So what hap­pens now if we’re putting all of our trash can bags in here, what hap­pens now when this thing gets kind of full?
John: Well when it gets kind of full, make sure you take the bag. You want to make sure you tie it, always tie the bag because you don’t want any liq­uids to seep out.
Speak­er 1: Very good.
John: And you take the trash bar­rel to the trash.
Speak­er 1: Yeah. So you’ve got tilt cart there and we’re going to offload it at tilt cart. Very good. So if you’ll notice, one of the things that John said was when it gets kind of full, so this is real­ly impor­tant. Again, when we get work­ing too fast, too hard, some­times we let that thing get too full and get too heavy. So it’s impor­tant that when this brute bar­rel gets about two thirds of the way full, we want to make sure we go ahead and tie that off and get it moved into the trash can. At some of our accounts, we have tilt carts to put it in and in our oth­er accounts, we’re going to be rolling the brute can straight to the dump­ster. All right, well John, I appre­ci­ate all those tips and tricks and hope­ful­ly we’ll see you again soon.
John: Yes you will. Thank you.
Speak­er 1: Trash Removal Safe­ty Tips. Always wear gloves when you’re pulling trash. If the trash can is full, don’t push down on it. This way we avoid touch­ing any­thing dan­ger­ous. Then tie the bag before you remove it from the con­tain­er. Lift the bag using your legs and your arms. This way we avoid strain­ing your back. When you’re plac­ing the bag into a larg­er trash can. Turn your body with the trash so you are fac­ing the new con­tain­er before you drop it. Do not twist your back. Then repeat these steps with the body posi­tions when you’re mov­ing the trash to any larg­er con­tain­ers. Place a new trash bag in the emp­ty con­tain­ers and tie the loose ends so that the bag is tight to the rim of the container.
The Budd Group strives to be a God-hon­or­ing com­pa­ny of excel­lence safe­ly deliv­er­ing ser­vices in jan­i­to­r­i­al, main­te­nance, and land­scap­ing; offer­ing devel­op­ment oppor­tu­ni­ties for their employ­ees; and con­tribut­ing to their community.
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