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Increase Workplace Safety - Janitors Closet

An orga­nized jan­i­to­r­i­al clos­et enhances work­place safe­ty and can bet­ter serve a jan­i­tor. Ensur­ing to adhere to HAZ­COM and include chem­i­cal infor­ma­tion are addi­tion­al ways to enhance safety.

Video Tran­script:


Oh, Hey! Do you work for The Budd Group?

Speak­er 2:

Yes, I do.


Do you think you could help me find Ms. Rhonda?

Speak­er 2:

Right in there.


Oh, okay. Per­fect. Thank you.

Speak­er 2:

You’re wel­come.


Excuse me. Are you Ms. Rhonda?

Ms. Rhon­da:

Yes! Hi.


Hey, I’m Hal­ston. I’m the safe­ty manager.

Ms. Rhon­da:

Hi, Hal­ston, nice to have you.


Yeah, I was­n’t able to find you up in your office.

Ms. Rhon­da:

Well, I’m doing a lit­tle bit of stock in here in our clos­ets, try to keep things straight­ened out. It’s very impor­tant that our clos­ets stay well-organized.


Well, that’s per­fect. I was actu­al­ly here to talk to you a lit­tle bit about spring clean­ing and what all goes into get­ting ready.

Ms. Rhon­da:

Well, it’s some­thing that we do on a reg­u­lar basis, and it’s very impor­tant. Stay­ing orga­nized is part of what we do. One of the things that I real­ly strong­ly rec­om­mend is get­ting our prod­ucts out of the boxes.



Ms. Rhon­da:

And get­ting it on the shelf in a place that’s easy to reach, because you don’t real­ly want peo­ple reach­ing then tak­ing your emp­ty box­es and get­ting them removed from your closet.


Now, why does stuff has to get out of box­es. Why can’t we leave it in there?

Ms. Rhon­da:

Well, it’s some­thing that we don’t real­ly talk a lot about, but the glue that is on these box­es often­times con­tain roach eggs.



Ms. Rhon­da:

Once they get warm in the build­ing they start hatch­ing, and that cre­ates issues for our facil­i­ties. It’s our job to pro­tect and main­tain our facil­i­ties. So we want to get things out of the box­es on the shelves in a good place that’s easy to reach for every­one, and then get rid of the box­es and the clut­ter. Speak­ing to clut­ter, that over there is going to be a prob­lem, and we’ve got to make sure we keep our floors clear because that is an ene­my to our safety.

Speak­er 4:

Time for pro safe­ty tip num­ber one on how to keep your jan­i­to­r­i­al clos­et safe. Make sure your clos­et is well-orga­nized, and store reg­u­lar­ly used and heavy items on the mid height shelves to avoid hav­ing to reach too high or bend too low to pick them up. Make sure you take time to clear your clos­et of any debris or clut­ter to avoid tripping.


All right. Well, let me help get this out of the way and get it wound up for you.

Ms. Rhon­da:

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Whoa. That actu­al­ly is one of the things that we need to be check­ing on a rou­tine basis when we’re doing our spring clean­ing and prob­a­bly at least once a month. This cord is a bit of a problem.


Oh, no!

Ms. Rhon­da:

First off, there is no way that this is going to go into an out­let prop­er­ly, and it’s miss­ing the most impor­tant com­po­nent, the ground prong. That’s going to be a prob­lem. And as you can see, there’s some oth­er issues. We’ve got some open cord, which is expos­ing … The insu­la­tion is now exposed and the cords are exposed. Wow, this is prob­a­bly an extreme sit­u­a­tion. We’d nev­er want this to hap­pen, but a lot of times you get this type of fray­ing when you’ve got a con­stant bend in the cord.


Okay. Let’s say I’m one of your employ­ees and I have a cord that looks like this and I bring it to you. What would you do with it?

Ms. Rhon­da:

Well, I’m going to have to take this cord com­plete­ly out of ser­vice. It’s unsafe. It’s a fire haz­ard and absolute­ly no way can we be able to use this, and I need to have this dis­posed of imme­di­ate­ly so no one else uses it.


Okay. You men­tioned look­ing through our equip­ment. What oth­er things might we want to inspect dur­ing the spring cleaning?

Ms. Rhon­da:

Well, as you know, we all vac­u­um. So one of the things that you’re look­ing at, again, you’re going to look at the ground prong on your vac­u­ums to make sure it is present. This ensures that that vac­u­um is safe to oper­ate, but you’re also look­ing at some oth­er things. You’re going to be sure that you’re check­ing the bag to make sure it’s not over­filled and that the fil­ters are not clogged.


How does that one look?

Ms. Rhon­da:

Well, this one, I would replace it. I think it prob­a­bly needs a lit­tle bit of work. When they get over field and blocked, then the vac­u­um actu­al­ly is putting out more dust than we’re actu­al­ly pick­ing up.


So how would an employ­ee go about replac­ing it? Who would they need to contact?

Ms. Rhon­da:

I would con­tact my imme­di­ate super­vi­sor or the lead, and maybe even your oper­a­tions man­ag­er. You’ve got to be sure you have plen­ty of replace­ment vacs and you should have fil­ters on site to be sure that your vac­u­ums are oper­at­ing effi­cient­ly. And you don’t want to cre­ate too much drag on the motor because before you know it, you’ll burn it up.


Very good. The fil­ter is also extreme­ly impor­tant because even for safe­ty rea­sons, we have to make sure we’re clean­ing the air like we’re promis­ing our client we’re going to do.

Speak­er 4:

Clos­et safe­ty pro safe­ty tip num­ber two, take time to look at each one of your exten­sion cords for dam­age. This dam­age could cause an elec­tri­cal fire. Also, check your vac­u­um bags and fil­ters. We want to make sure our vac­u­ums are clean­ing safe­ly and effi­cient­ly. And final­ly, inspect any oth­er equip­ment that you use reg­u­lar­ly for defects.


Cool. Well, what else do you have to show me about spring cleaning?

Ms. Rhon­da:

Well, it’s real­ly impor­tant that we’re check­ing all of our trig­ger sprayer bot­tles, make sure that they’re clear­ly labeled and iden­ti­fied. For exam­ple, this is a big no-no. This bot­tle is not labeled. It does not have a label, and I have no idea what is in here. That’s kind of a problem.


Okay. What do you do with it?

Ms. Rhon­da:

Well, what I’m going to do is dump these chem­i­cals out because I have no idea what it is, and any­thing placed in here could cause a chem­i­cal reac­tion and that could be a dan­ger to our employ­ees or the envi­ron­ment. So what I’m going to do is dump this out and get rid of it.


All right. So if it does have a label, what are we look­ing for on the label? What kind of stuff needs to be on there?

Ms. Rhon­da:

Well, it’s real­ly impor­tant that your labels are com­pli­ant and that they’re going to iden­ti­fy the name of the prod­uct, the appli­ca­tion that it’s used for and the chem­i­cal, the main active ingre­di­ents that are in there. It’s going to give you a lot of oth­er infor­ma­tion as well. It’s going to give you a num­ber to call in case there’s an emer­gency, but every bot­tle must con­tain a label.


Very good. So we’re look­ing for what is it, what’s in it and what is it used for.

Ms. Rhon­da:



Very good. And if your employ­ee noticed that there were a bunch of bot­tles that were miss­ing labels, what would you ask him or her to do?

Ms. Rhon­da:

First thing I would ask them to do is rid the bot­tle of any chem­i­cals, and then I will bring them all of the labels. It’s real­ly impor­tant, it’s a step that we some­times get con­fused. We put the label on the fresh bot­tle so that what­ev­er goes in there when you’re mix­ing the chem­i­cals and dilut­ing them, it makes sure it con­tains and match­es what’s on your label.


Got you. Very good.

Speak­er 4:

Pro safe­ty tip num­ber three, take time to make sure every sin­gle bot­tle in your jan­i­to­r­i­al clos­et has a label. And if it does­n’t have a label, pour the con­tents out and con­tact your man­ag­er for a new label imme­di­ate­ly. Final­ly, each bot­tle should be labeled before it is filled. That way, we can ensure that the con­tents in the bot­tle match the label.


We have all of our bot­tles labeled, but we want to get a lit­tle bit more infor­ma­tion about the chem­i­cals we’re using. Where would we go to find that?

Ms. Rhon­da:

Well, it’s impor­tant that every one of our sites has a safe­ty data sheet man­u­al. This is very impor­tant. A lot of times you’ll hear it referred to as the SDS book. It’s real­ly impor­tant that because we have infor­ma­tion here that iden­ti­fies each chem­i­cal that you have on site, any dan­gers, prop­er PPE to use, it also gives you a 1 – 800 num­ber to call in case there’s an emer­gency. So each site is required to have one of these.


That’s great. And here at The Budd Group, we have anoth­er option for you to go get infor­ma­tion about the chem­i­cal you’re using, and that is at www​.bud​dgroups​ds​.com. If you go to that site, you can type it into a search bar, what­ev­er chem­i­cal you’re try­ing to use, and it’ll take you right to that chem­i­cal and pull up the SDS for it. Or in the case of an emer­gency if you real­ly need­ed to find out infor­ma­tion on a chem­i­cal quick­ly so that you could tell the med­ical provider what you were using or exposed to, you could call 1 – 866-BUD911 and we would be able to get that infor­ma­tion to you real­ly quickly.

Ms. Rhon­da:

I’m so glad, Hal­ston, you brought up these posters. They have been a won­der­ful addi­tion to The Budd Group and our safe­ty pro­gram. It keeps every­thing right up front. Every site should have one of these posters in one of your jan­i­to­r­i­al clos­ets, at least one. If you have a large site you might need more than one poster. It’s very impor­tant that we keep this infor­ma­tion avail­able to our employees.


Absolute­ly. That’s a good point. And, one of the things that’s on this poster is that if you need even more infor­ma­tion, you can request the haz comm pro­gram that The Budd Group has from your super­vi­sor and they will be able to give it to you. All the haz comm pro­gram is, is a cou­ple page doc­u­ment that explains how The Budd Group han­dles haz­ardous communication.


It says that we want to have posters like these, it says that we need to have SDS books and it says what to do in the event of an emer­gency. Well, Rhon­da, this has been a lot of fun and I real­ly appre­ci­ate you tak­ing the time to show me around the clos­et and tell me what it takes to get ready for the spring.

Ms. Rhon­da:

Well, Hal­ston, it has been great to see you again. Come back any­time. In fact, I could use an extra hand any­time you’re around.


All right.

Speak­er 4:

Time for the final pro safe­ty tip on how to keep your jan­i­to­r­i­al clos­et clean and safe. Every sin­gle Budd Group account should have a safe­ty data sheet binder that con­tains all of the safe­ty infor­ma­tion on every chem­i­cal used at that account. This infor­ma­tion can also be found at www​.bud​dgroups​ds​.com. And final­ly, if you have more ques­tions about chem­i­cal safe­ty at The Budd Group, you can request a copy of The Budd Group haz­ardous com­mu­ni­ca­tion pro­gram from your supervisor.

The Budd Group strives to be a God-hon­or­ing com­pa­ny of excel­lence safe­ly deliv­er­ing ser­vices in jan­i­to­r­i­al, main­te­nance, and land­scap­ing; offer­ing devel­op­ment oppor­tu­ni­ties for their employ­ees; and con­tribut­ing to their community.
Inter­est­ed in work­ing for The Budd Group? We are hir­ing and offer benefits!
We have loca­tions in Flori­da, Geor­gia, Ken­tucky, Mis­sis­sip­pi, North Car­oli­na, South Car­oli­na, Ten­nessee, Vir­ginia, and West Virginia.
Please use the links above for apply­ing to The Budd Group for any posi­tion through­out our com­pa­ny. How­ev­er, if you need to con­tact some­one regard­ing a spe­cif­ic ques­tion, please use the phone num­ber or email for the office near­est you from the list below.
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