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Grease Pit Cleaning

Many indus­tries, includ­ing but cer­tain­ly not lim­it­ed to the food indus­try, must han­dle large amounts of pro­duc­tion waste, some­times in the form of grease. Grease refers to semi-sol­id lubri­cants typ­i­cal­ly made of fats and oils. Because of its high vis­cos­i­ty, grease eas­i­ly flows down drainage pipes but solid­i­fies over time, which can cre­ate dan­ger­ous and unsan­i­tary block­ages. To mit­i­gate this prob­lem, peo­ple use grease traps.

What are Grease Traps?

Grease traps help pre­vent obstruc­tion and back­up by sep­a­rat­ing grease and oth­er sol­id mate­ri­als from the liq­uid. But over time, the trapped sol­id residue still obstructs the flow of waste­water and caus­es sewage to back up. So, these traps must be cleaned and dis­posed of on a reg­u­lar basis. Clean­ing grease traps pre­vents solid­i­fied fats, oils, and grease from stick­ing to the insides of the drainage pipes.

How are Grease Traps Cleaned?

Grease trap clean­ing is includ­ed in The Budd Group’s var­i­ous clean­ing ser­vices. Whether you require imme­di­ate help for a severe back­up issue or sim­ply need a reli­able team for reg­u­lar grease trap main­te­nance, we have you covered. Just about all grease traps oper­ate in the same way. We begin the clean­ing process by remov­ing the trap’s lid and inspect­ing the inte­ri­or for any dam­aged com­po­nents. We then mea­sure the amount of grease present in the grease trap. Any stand­ing water must be removed so the grease and solids are all that remain in the con­tain­er. These remains can then be scooped into a waste container. By this point, the grease trap will be most­ly emp­ty, with some remain­ing debris on the sides and bot­tom. We will vac­u­um up these rem­nants and scrub the inte­ri­or and exte­ri­or of the trap so it’s ful­ly cleaned and ready for fur­ther use. Dur­ing and after clean­ing, the Envi­ron­men­tal Pro­tec­tion Agency (EPA) requires that we fill out a FOG (fat­ty oils and grease) report to account for the amount of waste removed.

How Often Should Grease Traps be Cleaned?

Gen­er­al­ly speak­ing, grease traps should be cleaned about 4 – 6 times a year, or every few months. Of course, the fre­quen­cy with which one should clean a grease trap depends on a num­ber of fac­tors. Larg­er, more active facil­i­ties (espe­cial­ly kitchens) may need month­ly or bi-week­ly grease trap clean­ing, for instance. The Budd Group is pre­pared to inspect and clean any facility’s grease traps to keep its pipes clean and safe, and to abide by EPA regulations.

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