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Increase Workplace Safety - Essential Job Functions

This video com­piles all of our office main­te­nance safe­ty videos. A com­pi­la­tion of safe­ty in clean­ing focus­ing on best prac­tices, PPE, etc.

Video Tran­script:

Austin: Hel­lo Budd Group team. This safe­ty train­ing top­ics going to be a lit­tle bit dif­fer­ent. This month we’re going to be talk­ing about the essen­tial job func­tions that our folks are doing day in and day out and how to per­form them well, effi­cient­ly and how to do them safe­ly. So for the first one I have our sub­ject mat­ter expert here Tan who is going to show us how to safe­ly and effec­tive­ly clean a toi­let stall. So Tan first ques­tion for you.What do we need to get this job done?

Tan: Well first you will need to have your safe­ty gog­gles on which I have on. You will need to have gloves so you want to have on all of your PPE.

Austin: That’s right PPE, good first step. All right, what’s next?

Tan: Next you want to have your toi­let brush which I have here.

Austin: Per­fect.

Tan: The sec­ond step will be your disinfectant.

Austin: Okay. So can we use any­thing or does it have to be a disinfectant?

Tan: It has to be a dis­in­fec­tant that is in your STS book.

Austin: Okay, very good. And if I’m not wrong I think it’s impor­tant, we use a cou­ple of dif­fer­ent types of dis­in­fec­tants here, so it’s real­ly impor­tant to know which dis­in­fec­tant you’re using and to make sure that you know what the dwell time is oth­er­wise you may not be killing things that you’re sup­posed to be killing if you don’t leave it on there long enough.

Tan: Cor­rect.

Austin: Very good. All right. Any­thing else?

Tan: Next you will need your red cloth which we use for rest rooms.

Austin: A red one. Does the col­or matter?

Tan: Yes the col­or mat­ters. Here at the Budd Group we have five dif­fer­ent types of clean­ing cloths and using the right ones is super impor­tant. The red cloth is for san­i­tary appli­ances like toi­lets, uri­nals, in bath­room stalls. The yel­low cloth is for gen­er­al clean­ing like sinks, hand dry­ers, and coun­ter­tops. The green cloth is for clean­ing, and food prep areas and break rooms. The blue cloth is for glass sur­faces like mir­rors and win­dows. And we also use a smooth light blue cloth for pol­ish­ing. If we don’t keep these cloths sep­a­rate and use them cor­rect­ly we could be spread­ing bath­room germs all over the place, even a sur­face some­one could be eat­ing on.

Austin: All right so we’ve got the tools we need, we know what we need to do the job, so I guess it’s time to get into it.

Tan: Yes.

Austin: But I’ve got to be hon­est now that we’ve actu­al­ly made it to the stall it real­ly does not look that dirty. Are you sure we need to waste our time clean­ing it?

Tan: Yes, cut the light and I will show you why.

Austin: All right.

Tan: As you can see we have a lot more work to be done.

Austin: Yeah, it looks like the bowl is clean but the area around the toi­let is still quite dirty.

Tan: It still needs to be san­i­tized yes.

Austin: All right. So, if we still need to clean it I guess the next thing is why don’t you show me how to do it? Walk us through it. What do we need to do?

Tan: Okay. First thing you need to do is have your dis­in­fec­tant clean­er which would be your Virex.

Austin: All right.

Tan: In order for this to dis­in­fect any bath­room areas you’re going to have to spray the com­plete toi­let, uri­nals, han­dles, and every­thing and you need it to be on dwell time for 10 minutes.

Austin: Okay, 10 min­utes. So it’s got to be on there for 10 min­utes in order to kill all the germs that it’s sup­posed to kill?

Tan: Yes that’s correct.

Austin: All right, and I noticed when you did it you real­ly soaked it. So I guess it’s impor­tant to make sure that that thing is vis­i­bly wet when you’re spray­ing it down.

Tan: Yes, it’s cor­rect. Because if you don’t have all your ser­vices and your high con­text ser­vices san­i­tized it will not work and it will not dis­in­fect the area so your bath­room will not be clean if you do not have the dwell time.

Austin: All right. I guess let’s spray down some oth­er areas and wait on that for 10 minutes.

Tan: All right. Here we go we’re going to spray down your walls. You can do your toi­let, hold­ers, your han­dles, your stove, you can spray down your spa doors. All these areas that I’m screened are high con­tact areas we need that every­one touch­es all of these areas. So you want to make sure you get every­thing in order to prop­er­ly dis­in­fect and clean your restroom.

Austin: All right, let’s wait. All right so we’ve wait­ed our 10 min­utes what’s next?

Tan: What’s next is you would come over to your toi­let bowl with your toi­let brush and you want to make sure you’re going around in cir­cles. You want to hit all the areas. You want to clean the toi­let on the inside first. With your toi­let bowl you do not want to take your toi­let bowl brush on the out­side of your toi­let because it will spread germs. So after you put your toi­let bowl brush up you would get your red cloth and then I would wipe down all the areas from top to bot­tom all the way to the sides that I spray sprayed down with the Virex clean­er. And you get your han­dles around the sides, the front and the back. Make sure your area’s done. Wipe down all of your oth­er areas to make sure that you clean your com­plete toilet.

Austin: All right, so you have wiped down the toi­let and the area around it so is that it are we done?

Tan: No, we’re not done yet. We need to clean all the oth­er high con­tact areas in the bath­room. We need to dis­in­fect them as well with the Virex.

Austin: All right. What some of those?

Tan: Some of the sur­faces that we do want to make sure we dis­in­fect are the toi­let seat, under the toi­let bowl, the flush valve, the san­i­tary box, the stall han­dle, the stalls around the toi­let, the faucet han­dle, the door han­dle, and any oth­er places some­one might touch after using the restroom.

Austin: Well Tan it’s clear that you’re a pro so thank you so much for tak­ing the time to do this.

Tan: You’re very welcome.

Austin: So Budd Group team we have a nice 10 step doc­u­ment that’s going to show you exact­ly how to do every­thing that Tan talked about in 10 steps and make sure that you’re clean­ing the bath­room safe­ly and effec­tive­ly. And if you need that sheet you should be able to get ahold of it from your man­agers. All right, onto the next task,

Speak­er 3: Bath­room clean­ing safe­ty tips. First, make sure you have your appro­pri­ate PPE includ­ing gloves and safe­ty gog­gles. Next, gath­er all of your mate­ri­als includ­ing your toi­let brush, a dis­in­fec­tant and the red col­ored clean­ing microfiber cloth. Then spray all of the high con­tact areas with the dis­in­fec­tant spray. Be sure to leave a dwell time of at least 10 min­utes. After the dis­in­fec­tant has soaked use the toi­let brush to clean in the bowl. Make sure you don’t use the brush out­side of the toi­let. And then use the red cloth to wipe down the rest of the high con­tact areas that were sprayed. If you have ques­tions refer to the 10 step clean­ing man­u­al that your man­ag­er has.

Austin: All right Budd Group team I am here with my good friend John our sub­ject mat­ter expert on the next task that we’re here to talk to you about today and that is pulling trash. Pulling trash is one of the sim­plest things that we do but also one of the things that caus­es the most injuries at the Budd Group. So John’s going to talk us through how to do that safe. So, it looks like we’ve got a trash­can right here so we’re going to pull it out. And John if you could walk us through what’s the first thing we’re going to do when we get ready to pull some trash?

John: Well, the first thing we do when we’re pulling trash we put our gloves on so we don’t get any­thing on our hands.

Austin: That’s right you nev­er know what might end up being in there.

John: Maybe some gum or any­thing that may cause us to hurt ourselves.

Austin: That’s right.

John: You don’t want it to happen.

Austin: Good deal. So what next?

John: So the next thing we do in pulling trash I take the trash can out.

Austin: So let me ask you this one does­n’t look like there’s too much in there which is a good thing but if it were piled up way high or it were up some­where near the top could we just use our hands and shove it down in there?

John: No we don’t use our hands to shove it down in there because it may be an object down in there that may punc­ture our hands. So we just take the trash, if it were full we just take the trash and we tie the bag. We tie the bag first so we don’t spill any trash out. We tie the bag. We pull safe­ly with our knees and then we turn and place the trash in the trash barrel.

Austin: That’s awe­some. John just did a great job demon­strat­ing the prop­er way to pull this out. A lot of times what a lot of folks will do espe­cial­ly at the end of the shift when they’re get­ting tired is they’ll reach in bend­ing at their hips and yank it out and as you all know some­times that bag can get stuck in there and we start pulling with our low­er back it can cause us to pull out our low­er back. And the next thing that you notice he did is once he picked it up using his legs instead of twist­ing and drop­ping it some­where he spun his body to face the trash­can and dropped it in.

This is extreme­ly impor­tant when we’re talk­ing about being around a dump­ster. So a lot of times we’ll lift that up out of the bar­rel and we got the dump­ster behind us and we’ll do a twist­ing motion to throw or to get rid of it and that twist­ing motion puts a lot of strain on our low­er back. So we want to lift with our legs, turn to face where we’re going to get rid of it and then drop it off. All right, so we’ve got the trash out, we’ve got it in the brute bar­rel what’s next?

John: The next thing we do, we take our trash bag, tear our trash bag, we open our trash bag, make sure it’s ful­ly open, put our trash bag in. And what I like to do is make sure it’s secure on both sides and I tie it and make sure it’s tight around the rims so the trash does­n’t seep out in the trash.

Austin: That’s right keep­ing those edges tight is going to keep that liq­uid or any­thing else from pulling the trash bag down into the trashcan.

John: And I like to be a lit­tle neat about it so I tuck it in.

Austin: That’s right. Just like you would your bed at home that’s right. All right. So then we’re going to load this thing back up. Very good. And we would pro­ceed to do that around the rest of the build­ing. So, what hap­pens now if we’re putting all of our trash can bags in here, what hap­pens now when this thing gets kind of full?

John: Well, when it gets kind of full make sure you take the bag, you want to make sure you tie it, always tied the bag because you don’t want any liq­uids to seep out.

Austin: Very good.

John: And you take the trash bar­rel to the trash …

Austin: Yeah so you’ve got the tilt cart there and we’re going to offload it in a tilt cart. Very good. So if you’ll notice one of the things that John said was when it gets kind of full. So this is real­ly impor­tant again when we get work­ing too fast, too hard, some­times we let that thing get too full and get too heavy. So it’s impor­tant that when this brute bar­rel gets about two thirds of the way full we want to make sure we go ahead and tie that off and get it moved into the trash­can. In some of our accounts we have tilt carts to put it in and at oth­er accounts we’re going to be rolling the brute can straight to the dump­ster. All right. Well John, I appre­ci­ate all those tips and tricks and hope­ful­ly we’ll see you again soon.

John: Yes, you will. Thank you.

Speak­er 3: Trash removal safe­ty tips. Always wear gloves when you’re pulling trash. If the trash can is full don’t push down on it this way we avoid touch­ing any­thing dan­ger­ous. Then tie the bag before you remove it from the con­tain­er. Lift the bag using your legs and your arms this way we avoid strain­ing your back. When you’re plac­ing the bag into a larg­er trash­can turn your body with the trash so you are fac­ing the new con­tain­er before you drop it. Do not twist your back. Then repeat these steps with the body posi­tions when you’re mov­ing the trash to any larg­er con­tain­ers. Place a new trash bag in the emp­ty con­tain­ers and tie the loose ends so that the bag is tight to the rim of the container.

Austin: All right Budd Group team. We are here in this J clos­et to talk about some­thing that our folks have to do every day and that’s mix­ing chem­i­cals. So we’re here with our account super­vi­sor Cas­san­dra to talk about how we can do this safe­ly. Make sure that when we mix the chem­i­cals we are doing it effi­cient­ly, effec­tive­ly and safe­ly so that when we take that chem­i­cal out we can get the job done the way that we need to. So, what are the first thing we need to know before we get mix­ing any chemicals?

Cas­san­dra: You always have your PPE on, your pro­tec­tive equip­ment, your gog­gles, your gloves, so no spillage on your hands or in your eyes.

Austin: That’s right def­i­nite­ly want to keep it out of our eyes that’s super, super impor­tant so I’m glad you men­tioned that. And you just nev­er know some­times it can splash back up or we may spill it so that’s very good. So I noticed this bot­tle has a label on it. So what do we need to know about bot­tles and labels?

Cas­san­dra: We need to always make sure that your labels match the chem­i­cals that you’re putting into your bot­tles. Very good.

Austin: Very good. So any­time we’re pour­ing a chem­i­cal out of some­thing and into some­thing else we want to make sure that the bot­tle that we are pour­ing out of it has a label and that that label match­es the bot­tle that we are pour­ing it into.

Cas­san­dra: Yes.

Austin: So this method that we have here is what we have at some of our accounts and it is called the RTD method or Ready To Dis­pense. And if you’ll notice this is actu­al­ly a dif­fer­ent type of label that is on this bot­tle because this is not what Cas­san­dra typ­i­cal­ly uses at this account it’s just for demon­stra­tion pur­pos­es. So, she’s just going to walk us through how you would do this with­out actu­al­ly dis­pens­ing the chemical.

Cas­san­dra: So you would always make sure that your water was turned on and open up your bot­tle away from your face, always think­ing about the safe­ty. Place it in and then you would just dispense.

Austin: Just like that very good. As sim­ple as that. And then so, once you dis­pensed it what do we need to do?

Cas­san­dra: Once you turn your water off to make sure that you’re dis­con­nect­ing it.

Austin: Just like that. Very good. So this is real­ly impor­tant Budd Group team if we leave that water on it’s going to allow that water to build up right here at the bot­tle and it could cause the gas­ket or some­thing to break and the next thing you know we have water all over this. So super impor­tant to turn the water off and dis­con­nect that RTB dis­penser. Okay, very good. So at this account we actu­al­ly use the J fill. So Cas­san­dra, how would you use this chem­i­cal mixing?

Cas­san­dra: I would turn it on first and make sure every­thing’s on, take the top off the bot­tle, make sure that I select the prop­er selec­tion which is crew for the chem­i­cal that we’re about to dis­pense, clear the line. Once it’s clear place the bot­tle into the noz­zle, push and fill.

Austin: Very good. Man what a cool piece of equip­ment it sure it does make it easy. And then I always rec­om­mend go ahead and clear the line when you’re done as well just in case some­body gets in here and for­gets to clear before they use it. All you’re doing when you’re clear­ing it out is mak­ing sure that if you’re swap­ping from one chem­i­cal to anoth­er that you’re not mix­ing them in the con­tain­er that you’re using.

Cas­san­dra: Yes.

Austin: Very good. And then we should turn the water off.

Cas­san­dra: Always turn the water off.

Austin: That’s right. So the last method which we use a lot when we’re work­ing with floor and floor care is hav­ing to just mix the chem­i­cals by hand. So if we were mix­ing the chem­i­cals by hand say in a mop buck­et what were some of the things we need to know about that?

Cas­san­dra: Always put the water in first and make sure that you have the prop­er ratio for the water to the chemical.

Austin: Okay, very good. So always impor­tant to get that water in there first that’s going to keep the chem­i­cal from hit­ting that hard plas­tic and splash­ing back up into our eyes. Again, very impor­tant to make sure we have the right PPE on. And like Cas­san­dra said we want to make sure that we know the ratio before we start pour­ing that in there to make sure we’re mix­ing and dilut­ing that chem­i­cal at the right rate. Very good. These are all great things to know. And the last thing I would say is any­time we’re mix­ing chem­i­cals we need to be sure that we know where our SDS or our Safe­ty Data Sheets are locat­ed for the account. And the rea­son this is impor­tant is some­times acci­dents hap­pen and if you were to get a chem­i­cal in your eye or some­where where it was start­ing to cause irri­ta­tion we’d want to make sure we can go to that SDS sheet and see all the chem­i­cal prop­er­ties that we need­ed and go ahead and report that in the prop­er ways. So, thanks for hav­ing me and I look for­ward to see­ing you soon.

Cas­san­dra: And thank you.

Austin: Absolute­ly.

Cas­san­dra: All right.

Speak­er 3: Safe­ty tips for mix­ing chem­i­cals. First, always wear the appro­pri­ate PPE includ­ing gloves and safe­ty gog­gles. Before you fill up an emp­ty chem­i­cal bot­tle read the label. The dis­pens­ing con­tain­er should have the match­ing label of the bot­tle. If you’re using an RTD or Ready To Dis­pense first con­nect the tub­ing and then turn on the water. Fill the bot­tle as need­ed and then turn the water off and dis­con­nect the RTD. If you’re using a J‑Fill first select your chem­i­cal and then clear the line before and after you fill the bot­tle. If you’re fill­ing by hand first put your water in for a prop­er ratio of chem­i­cal to water. Refer to the SDS if you have any ques­tions, or spills or accidents.

Austin: All right Budd Group team we’re here to check in on our next task that you guys are doing on a dai­ly basis which is vac­u­um­ing, specif­i­cal­ly vac­u­um­ing with a back­pack vac­u­um. So, we are here with our sub­ject mat­ter expert Alex who’s going to help us talk through how to make sure we’re doing it safe­ly when we’re using the back­pack vac­u­um. So Alex, before we’re going to get going with the vac­u­um what do we need to do before we get started?

Alex: Well, first we have to check for fraying.

Austin: So we’re check­ing the cord to make sure there’s no frays all the way through it. Good. What else do we need to check?

Alex: The plug.

Austin: Okay yes so we have to make sure it has all three prongs, the ground prong, which often gets bro­ken off. Now, Budd Group team if you find one that has a bro­ken ground prong don’t use it con­tact your man­ag­er and let them know that it’s been bro­ken and we can either get it fixed or get that cord replaced. All right. So we’ve checked the cord. What do we need to check on the vac­u­um before we get going?

Alex: Check­ing the clean of the vacuum.

Austin: So we’re check­ing to make sure the bag is clean very good. And a good rule of thumb is if that thing is more two thirds of the way full we need to go ahead and emp­ty it out before we get using in it because the more weight that builds up there the hard­er it is to car­ry and the less suc­tion that you’re get­ting. And we also need to check the fil­ter. All right. So we’ve checked the cord and we’ve checked the vac­u­um so I think we’re ready to get into it. So this is maybe the most impor­tant piece. Alex is going to show us how to put the vac­u­um on and wear it correctly.

Alex: All right.

Tan: So you’ll notice as he’s putting it on he’s already got the straps adjust­ed for his use and it’s got the vac­u­um up nice and high on his back. We want to avoid these straps get­ting sag­gy and get­ting low on your back because it’s going to put stress on your low­er back. So keep­ing it up high allows you to keep good pos­ture. And the next impor­tant thing is to make sure we use both of the straps that are on the back­end, the one that goes around the waist and then the one that goes up around the chest. And these are so impor­tant because they even­ly dis­trib­ute the weight of the backpack.

So often­times as I’m trav­el­ing around I’ll see peo­ple who have the back­pack and it’s sag­ging down on their low­er back and they don’t have either one of these straps. And what’s hap­pen­ing is it’s pulling your body in the wrong direc­tion and putting a lot of stress on our low­er back that we don’t need and it real­ly makes the back­pack feel a lot heav­ier than it tru­ly is so real­ly impor­tant. Keep it up high, keep these straps nice and tight and then make sure we strap it in both places.

And then the last thing we want to talk about is if you’ll notice this cord is extreme­ly long that we are using and that’s because you have a lot of ground to cov­er. So, with that in mind make sure, and I’m sure Alex would affirm this, that once we get that thing plugged in we’re con­scious of where we’re clean­ing. We don’t want to be plugged in, in this room, this office for instance, and then walk across the hall and clean the next office. We want to make sure we move the plug to the next office just in case any of our oth­er team­mates or some­one else in this build­ing would hap­pen to walk by we would­n’t want them to trip over that cord or we would­n’t want our­selves to trip over it. So Alex, thanks for your help. We appre­ci­ate it and we’ll let you get back to work.

Alex: Thank you.

Speak­er 3: Vac­u­um safe­ty tips. First, check the court to make sure there are no frays and that the ground prongs are intact then check your vac­u­um fil­ter. If the bag is at least two thirds full you should change it before you start vac­u­um­ing. If you’re using a back­pack vac­u­um make sure you wear it high on your back. Attach both the waist and the chest straps and make sure they’re tight. Then observe the length of the cord. Re plug when nec­es­sary to avoid tripping.

Austin: All right Budd Group team on to the next floor care task that we are doing on a dai­ly basis and that’s mop­ping. So we are here with our sub­ject mat­ter expert Angel­i­ca and she is going to show us how to mop safe­ly. So if we are mop­ping, we’re going to mop this area what’s the first thing we want to do to make sure we have the equip­ment we want to have before we get going?

Angel­i­ca: Well, you always want to make sure that you have your slip resis­tant shoes on and …

Austin: That’s right and if you don’t have some, luck­i­ly she has some of her own and those are great those have been approved by her super­vi­sor, if you don’t have those you can use the one that the Budd Group offers which are cov­ers that can go over your nor­mal shoes and your man­ag­er should make sure that these are in your J clos­ets for you. What else would we need?

Angel­i­ca: We need our wet floor signs.

Austin: That’s right. We’ve got to have a wet floor sign, maybe more than one depend­ing on the area we’re doing. We’ve got to make sure we keep our cus­tomers aware that we have a wet floor as well as our oth­er team­mates to make sure nobody’s slip­ping and falling. So we’ve got the equip­ment, what next? If we were going to mop this room what will be impor­tant for us to know?

Angel­i­ca: Well, we would start from the back of the room and map our way out of the room.

Austin: So start­ing in the back.

Angel­i­ca: Yeah.

Austin: You can go ahead and start for us and show us and that will be great. So notice she’s going to ring the mop out real­ly well and then start in that back left cor­ner and work her way out of the room. Very good. And in doing this, this keeps her from ever hav­ing to walk back over the wet sur­face. And one oth­er thing that you’ll notice that she’s doing real­ly well is instead of using a twist­ing motion you can see that she’s using a rock­ing motion to pull the mob back and forth. Just like when we’re lift­ing box­es or pulling trash we want to avoid twist­ing when we can because that’s an easy way to pull out our back. We want to make sure we’re using our legs instead of our back. All right, very good. So we’ve got this thing mopped up. So my next ques­tion for you is when we fin­ish this room and we’re all done what are we going to do with this dirty mop and this bucket?

Angel­i­ca: We’re going to pour the con­tent out and we’re going to ring our mop out and then we’re going to rinse the map out and rinse the con­tain­er out.

Austin: So make sure we rinse them out. A lot of times when I go into some of our J clos­ets some­body has­n’t rinsed out the mop and it’s just sit­ting there and the mop buck­et and that’s what some­times makes our clos­ets have not such a great smell so I’m glad you said that. Very impor­tant to rinse out the buck­et and rinse out the mop thor­ough­ly and then we can hang it up so that it can dry out, air out and we can turn the mop buck­et upside down to rinse out and dry out real­ly well as well. Well thank you so much for show­ing us how to do it safe­ly and I hope to see you again soon.

Angel­i­ca: Okay, all right. Thank you.

Speak­er 3: Mop­ping safe­ty tips. First, wear slip resis­tant shoes if you don’t have any make sure you use a shoe cov­er. Ask your man­ag­er where these are if you can’t find them. Then place wet floor signs around area. Place your mop in the buck­et with the appro­pri­ate chem­i­cal, wring it out, and then start mop­ping at the back of the room this way you avoid walk­ing in the wet areas. While mop­ping use a rock­ing motion instead of a twist­ing motion this will help your back. When you’re fin­ished wring out the mop, emp­ty the buck­et and then rinse the buck­et with water.

Stephanie: Hey Austin, how are you?

Austin: I am doing so well and I’m so glad I caught you right in the mid­dle of doing what we want to talk to our Budd Group team­mates about. So Budd Group team we have dropped in on Stephanie here, our sub­ject mat­ter expert, to tell you a lit­tle bit about high dust­ing which is some­thing you guys are doing every sin­gle day. So we want to talk with Stephanie about how to make sure we’re doing it safe­ly. So Stephanie, before you get set up and you get going high dust­ing what are some of the things that you need to make sure you’re wear­ing, the PPE that you need to have on?

Stephanie: I need to make sure I’m wear­ing my gloves and my googles.

Austin: That’s exact­ly right. The gog­gles are extreme­ly impor­tant. We see this a lot at the Budd Group, some­times peo­ple for­get to wear their gog­gles and they get to high dust­ing and they knock some­thing off that ends up get­ting in their eyes and that’s not some­thing that we want. So gog­gles are super impor­tant glad to see that you have those on.

Stephanie: Thank you.

Austin: I also see that if you’ve got some fan­cy equip­ment here. So this is anoth­er real­ly impor­tant piece for us to have when we’re doing this type of work. We have dif­fer­ent vari­a­tions of this but basi­cal­ly we want to have some type of duster that we can put on the end of an exten­sion wand. And the rea­son is this allows Stephanie to reach up high so that she does­n’t have to climb up on a lad­der and that is so impor­tant. We don’t want to use a lad­der if we don’t have to. So we’ve got our PPE, we’ve got our equip­ment, what are some of the places that we might be going to do this type of dusting?

Stephanie: Some of the places that we need to dust reg­u­lar­ly are ceil­ing vents, ceil­ing cor­ners, door trim and mold­ing, the top of bath­room stalls and rails, and any oth­er high places that might col­lect dust.

Austin: Well Stephanie, thank you for tak­ing the time to do this, we real­ly appre­ci­ate it and you tak­en the time to show our folks how to make sure we’re high dust­ing safe­ly, talk­ing about some of the places we should be doing it and how to do it safe­ly. The last thing we want to make sure we men­tion is if you need to dust some­where that you can­not reach with an exten­sion pole and need to use a lad­der please make sure you let your man­ag­er know and that you have been approved to use that lad­der in that sit­u­a­tion. We don’t want to be using lad­ders if we don’t have to. So thanks for your help and I hope to see you soon.

Stephanie: Thank you.

Speak­er 3: High dust­ing safe­ty tips. First, make sure you’re wear­ing your appro­pri­ate PPE, gloves and safe­ty gog­gles. When high dust­ing use an exten­sion this way we can avoid using lad­ders. Remem­ber to clean high places that com­mon­ly col­lect dust like ceil­ing vents, coro­ners, door trims, bath­room stalls, and rail­ings. If you absolute­ly must use a lad­der talk to your man­ag­er first and get approval.

The Budd Group strives to be a God-hon­or­ing com­pa­ny of excel­lence safe­ly deliv­er­ing ser­vices in jan­i­to­r­i­al, main­te­nance, and land­scap­ing; offer­ing devel­op­ment oppor­tu­ni­ties for their employ­ees; and con­tribut­ing to their community.
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Please use the links above for apply­ing to The Budd Group for any posi­tion through­out our com­pa­ny. How­ev­er, if you need to con­tact some­one regard­ing a spe­cif­ic ques­tion, please use the phone num­ber or email for the office near­est you from the list below.
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