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Carpet Cleaning

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Car­pet­ed floors can make a work­place feel warmer, qui­eter and more wel­com­ing. The added tex­ture afford­ed by car­pets also increas­es fric­tion, pre­vent­ing employ­ees and guests from slip­ping. How­ev­er, despite these advan­tages, car­pets are also mag­nets for dust, dirt, crumbs and oth­er debris.
If not prop­er­ly main­tained, car­pets can actu­al­ly wors­en the air qual­i­ty of a room, allow­ing harm­ful par­ti­cles to linger. This can neg­a­tive­ly impact office pro­duc­tiv­i­ty, espe­cial­ly for those prone to aller­gies or res­pi­ra­to­ry con­cerns. The Budd Group address­es these con­cerns with our car­pet clean­ing services.

What’s Includ­ed in Car­pet Clean­ing Services?

The Budd Group is equipped to han­dle every aspect of car­pet clean­ing, no mat­ter the mate­r­i­al or sever­i­ty. All car­pets should be vac­u­umed at least once a week to remove any dry, sur­face-lev­el debris. Of course, depend­ing on the size and pur­pose of a facil­i­ty, this reg­u­lar vac­u­um­ing may be required every day or mul­ti­ple times a week. In many cas­es, in-house employ­ees will take care of vac­u­um­ing, but we are hap­py to help if resources are lim­it­ed. Our team will work with each cus­tomer to cre­ate a suit­able vac­u­um­ing schedule.
Some unwant­ed mate­ri­als can­not sim­ply be sucked up by a vac­u­um. Bac­te­ria, cer­tain liq­uids, sticky sub­stances, and oth­er mate­ri­als may be deeply embed­ded in a car­pet, dam­ag­ing its struc­ture and appear­ance over time. To remove this debris, deep car­pet clean­ing is required. The Budd Group uses high-qual­i­ty deep clean­ing machin­ery that heats up the car­pet using steam to loosen deep-seat­ed mate­r­i­al. After this hot-water extrac­tion process, we quick­ly dry and deodor­ize the car­pet so it looks and smells fresh. If we notice any stains, we will take action to remove those as well.

How Often Should Deep Car­pet Clean­ing Take Place?

Unlike week­ly vac­u­um­ing, deep clean­ing should take place about once or twice a year, on aver­age. Again, every facil­i­ty is dif­fer­ent. Some work­places may require more or less fre­quent deep clean­ing depend­ing on cer­tain fac­tors and cir­cum­stances. Know­ing this, we cre­ate a unique plan for every cus­tomer we serve. This way, our team can get the job done only when it’s nec­es­sary and at the opti­mal times for your busi­ness’ schedule.
Car­pet clean­ing is nec­es­sary for any facil­i­ty with car­pet­ed floors. These ser­vices will ensure that your facil­i­ty remains beau­ti­ful, safe, healthy and pro­duc­tive for all staff members.

How We Work

Make It Right

This simple philosophy is at the heart of our guarantee to every customer we serve. We will meet or exceed your expectations in the delivery of high-quality facility support solutions.

On Time Every Time

We will work closely with you to adhere to your schedule, minimize disruptions, and complete tasks on time.

Always Adapting

We are at the cutting edge of how to manage new and unforeseen issues in your facility, offering customized, comprehensive, and flexible facility management programs.


Get More Information

With more than 4,000 dedicated employees, The Budd Group is one of the leading facility service companies in the country, delivering high-quality janitorial, maintenance, landscaping and facility support solutions to customers throughout the Southeast.

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Please submit your custom quote request. Call 800.380.7765 or drop us a note here. Please note, we DO NOT handle any residential work.

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