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Facility Support Staff - Recruiting, Hiring, & Employee Training Services

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Si está interesado en seguir una carrera en The Budd Group, visite nuestra página ENCONTRAR UN TRABAJO.
The Budd Group has the abil­i­ty and expe­ri­ence to go beyond jan­i­to­r­i­al, main­te­nance and land­scap­ing solu­tions. The fol­low­ing out­lines a few of the addi­tion­al pro­grams, ser­vices and man­age­ment sup­port that we have pro­vid­ed to prop­er­ty man­agers and cus­tomer com­pa­nies over the past 50 years.

Recruit­ing, hir­ing and train­ing pro­duc­tion sup­port personnel

The Budd Group has over 50 years of expe­ri­ence find­ing and train­ing qual­i­ty pro­duc­tion and facil­i­ty sup­port staff for our com­pa­ny, as well as for our cus­tomers’ com­pa­nies. Our suc­cess and growth are a direct result of our abil­i­ty to find and hire ded­i­cat­ed employ­ees, train them effec­tive­ly and imple­ment reten­tion strate­gies to keep them motivated.
We can find, back­ground check and hire full-time or part-time employ­ees in a vari­ety of pro­duc­tion areas, such as assem­bly work­ers, fork­lift oper­a­tors, inspec­tors, mate­r­i­al han­dlers as well as pick and packers.

Pro­fes­sion­al search and place­ment ser­vice for skilled facil­i­ty man­age­ment and sup­port employees

We under­stand the roles and posi­tions need­ed to main­tain and man­age large facil­i­ties and cam­pus­es of all types. We have the abil­i­ty to recruit, vet, hire and even train skilled employ­ees for a vari­ety of posi­tions in your facil­i­ty, such as prop­er­ty man­agers, engi­neers, elec­tri­cians, util­i­ty ser­vice per­son­nel and main­te­nance technicians.

Our process

Save time and mon­ey by rely­ing on The Budd Group for all of your facil­i­ty-relat­ed posi­tions. We have a proven process, from can­di­date recruit­ing and screen­ing to inter­view­ing, skill eval­u­a­tion and onboard­ing hired employ­ees. We work close­ly with you to design a cus­tomized recruit­ing solu­tion that includes:
  1. Evaluating your internal culture, needs & priorities
  2. Recruiting highly qualified candidates for specific positions
  3. Effectively processing potential candidates through careful evaluation, fact-checking resumes & contacting references
  4. Interviewing finalists to evaluate skills, knowledge, aptitudes & fit with your organization
  5. Selecting or recommending the person to hire for the position
  6. Conducting background checks, drug testing & onboarding as needed

Con­sult­ing ser­vices for a vari­ety of spe­cial­ized facil­i­ty-relat­ed functions

Because we main­tain over 75 mil­lion square feet of space and work with facil­i­ties in all types of indus­tries, we have the expe­ri­ence and knowl­edge to assist you with spe­cial projects and pro­grams in all areas of facil­i­ty man­age­ment, such as health and well­ness; recy­cling; pre­ven­ta­tive main­te­nance; healthy build­ing; water and waste man­age­ment; and event plan­ning and management.
The Budd Group will work with you to under­stand your spe­cif­ic needs and pro­vide you with cus­tomized facil­i­ty sup­port solu­tions. The fol­low­ing infor­ma­tion will pro­vide more detail on the ser­vices we offer, but what­ev­er your facil­i­ty needs, we can pro­vide a cost-effec­tive solu­tion to accom­plish your objectives.

Recruit­ing, hir­ing and train­ing pro­duc­tion sup­port personnel

Because we under­stand hir­ing and man­ag­ing employ­ees in pro­duc­tion and man­u­al labor jobs so well, we also pro­vide recruit­ing solu­tions for our cus­tomers when they are in need of full-time and part-time work­ers. If desired, we can also man­age the employ­ees that we hire and turnkey spe­cial projects and over­flow work. We have the expe­ri­ence and abil­i­ty to find and hire what­ev­er type of pro­duc­tion sup­port labor you require, including:

Pro­fes­sion­al Search and Place­ment Services

We can pro­vide tar­get­ed search and place­ment ser­vices for our cus­tomers to fill the skilled posi­tions need­ed for the effec­tive man­age­ment and main­te­nance of their facil­i­ties. The Budd Group can recruit, vet and train facil­i­ty sup­port pro­fes­sion­als for your key job open­ings. Here are just a few of the types of employ­ees The Budd Group can find to fill your positions:

Com­plete Facil­i­ty Man­age­ment Ser­vices by The Budd Group

The Budd Group has decades of expe­ri­ence clean­ing, land­scap­ing and main­tain­ing all types of facil­i­ties and cam­pus­es through­out the South­east. This expe­ri­ence has allowed us to work with our cus­tomers to devel­op a wide vari­ety of facil­i­ty pro­grams and sys­tems. We uti­lize this expe­ri­ence and knowl­edge to assist you in the cre­ation of just about any type of facil­i­ty pro­gram you may want to imple­ment, including:
Inter­est­ed in The Budd Group and want to learn more? Request your free pro­pos­al today.

How We Work

Make It Right

This simple philosophy is at the heart of our guarantee to every customer we serve. We will meet or exceed your expectations in the delivery of high-quality facility support solutions.

On Time Every Time

We will work closely with you to adhere to your schedule, minimize disruptions, and complete tasks on time.

Always Adapting

We are at the cutting edge of how to manage new and unforeseen issues in your facility, offering customized, comprehensive, and flexible facility management programs.


Get More Information

With more than 4,000 dedicated employees, The Budd Group is one of the leading facility service companies in the country, delivering high-quality janitorial, maintenance, landscaping and facility support solutions to customers throughout the Southeast.

Sales & Service Requests

Please submit your custom quote request. Call 800.380.7765 or drop us a note here. Please note, we DO NOT handle any residential work.

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