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Recycling Services

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Recycling: A Smarter and More Sustainable Choice

Facil­i­ties across indus­tries pro­duce a lot of waste. This waste comes in var­i­ous forms, such as the piles of paper pro­duced in offices, the discarded food scraps in restau­rants, and the obso­lete elec­tron­ics tak­ing up space inside com­put­er cen­ters. The good news is that many of these mate­ri­als can be recy­cled as long as they’re sort­ed and han­dled properly

Today, more and more insti­tu­tions are try­ing to find effi­cient ways to recy­cle their prod­ucts. This trend isn’t just a mat­ter of help­ing the envi­ron­ment, either (though that’s part of it). Invest­ing in recy­cling ser­vices can also help busi­ness­es cut costs and boost their rep­u­ta­tion. At The Budd Group, recy­cling ser­vices are among our many facil­i­ty sup­port solu­tions and jan­i­to­r­i­al ser­vices designed to make facil­i­ties more effi­cient while reduc­ing their car­bon footprint.

What Is Included in Our Recycling Services?

The Budd Group is pre­pared to help facil­i­ties estab­lish or improve their exist­ing recy­cling pro­grams.
We deter­mine the types and amounts of mate­ri­als a facil­i­ty goes through and cat­e­go­rize them into sep­a­rate chan­nels so waste is min­i­mized and every­thing that can be recy­cled is account­ed for. Col­or-cod­ed bins and sig­nage help employ­ees and cus­tomers place items in the cor­rect loca­tions for recy­cling.
When it comes to recy­cling cor­ro­sive mate­ri­als like bat­ter­ies and elec­tron­ics, we pro­vide edu­ca­tion and train­ing to ensure these items get recy­cled accord­ing­ly. We also work with local recy­cling com­pa­nies to deter­mine the best time and place for pick-ups.

Recycling Solutions that Fit Your Needs

No two facil­i­ties will require the exact same recy­cling rou­tine. Because of this, we work with each of our clients indi­vid­u­al­ly to come up with unique solu­tions for their spe­cif­ic needs and oper­a­tions.
For instance, our school recy­cling pro­grams focus on ways to edu­cate stu­dents and fac­ul­ty on prop­er recy­cling prac­tices for var­i­ous mate­ri­als and involve estab­lish­ing coor­di­na­tion between class­rooms and depart­ments. An office recy­cling pro­gram, on the oth­er hand, might cen­ter around paper waste and ways to ensure that paper gets recy­cled prop­er­ly.
Every type of facil­i­ty needs to get rid of mate­ri­als, which is why The Budd Group’s recy­cling ser­vices extend to:

Contact Us today to improve your facility’s recycling solutions!

Fre­quent­ly Asked Ques­tions about Recy­cling Services

Small-scale recycling efforts might not seem to make much of a difference, but coordinated recycling efforts can have a positive impact on the environment over time by reducing waste in landfills and lowering energy emissions. Moreover, ramping up your recycling can bolster your business’ bottom line and reputation.

Though there are some exceptions, recyclable materials include glass, plastic, paper, metal, and cardboard.

There are many ways to incentivize better recycling habits at your facility. Some ideas include:

  • Offering regular training and education
  • Creating games and contests centered on recycling
  • Providing color-coded, clearly-visible, easily-accessible bins for recycling throughout your facility
  • Tracking and reviewing recycling habits weekly, monthly, or quarterly

How We Work

Make It Right

This simple philosophy is at the heart of our guarantee to every customer we serve. We will meet or exceed your expectations in the delivery of high-quality facility support solutions.

On Time Every Time

We will work closely with you to adhere to your schedule, minimize disruptions, and complete tasks on time.

Always Adapting

We are at the cutting edge of how to manage new and unforeseen issues in your facility, offering customized, comprehensive, and flexible facility management programs.


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With more than 4,000 dedicated employees, The Budd Group is one of the leading facility service companies in the country, delivering high-quality janitorial, maintenance, landscaping and facility support solutions to customers throughout the Southeast.

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