How to Set a Cleaning Schedule for Your Company

If you own or operate a business, you know that maintaining a clean workplace is key to your ongoing success. The hard part, however, is executing your commercial cleaning needs in an efficient manner. Not only must you determine what must get done and why -- you have to figure out how to tackle each cleaning task on time, every time. In other words, you need to come up with a strategic cleaning schedule that meets your criteria, keeps you compliant, and optimizes your operations. Here are some tips for setting a cleaning schedule for your company.

How to Start a Company Cleaning Schedule

Break Down Your Needs, Goals, and Processes

The first step to establishing a cleaning schedule is working out your cleaning necessities, goals, and processes. Different types of facilities will differ in each of these categories. For instance, healthcare cleaning measures will look different than those for food production or electronics manufacturing. So, ask yourself which type(s) of cleaning you need for your company (i.e. janitorial services, window cleaning, carpet cleaning, floor waxing, etc.). Then, determine what you want to get out of your cleaning protocols -- you might, for instance, commit yourself to a low carbon footprint, in which case you’ll want to use green cleaning products and methods. From there, you must figure out how to approach each cleaning task before you, paying special attention to any industry regulations (i.e. standards for healthcare cleaning) to remain compliant.

Prioritize Cleaning Tasks

Once you’ve laid out your cleaning responsibilities, it’s time to decide which tasks take priority over the rest. Doing so will help you see which tasks should be tackled daily, weekly, monthly, and so on. If you run a manufacturing plant, you might need to perform industrial cleaning (i.e. thoroughly cleaning machinery and floors) each and every day to ensure quality control and safety. As for your offices, you might make sure that carpets get vacuumed once a week, opt for window cleaning on a monthly basis -- the list goes on.

Delegate Duties Accordingly

Now, it’s time to assign roles to fulfill these tasks according to your rough schedule. A number of daily, minor tasks, like wiping down personal workspaces at the end of day or taking out garbage, might be handled by various employees. Certain weekly or monthly tasks might also be assigned to employees in shifts to spread out the work evenly. As for more involved and specialized cleaning tasks, like carpet steaming, power washing, deep disinfection, etc., it’s best to hire cleaning services, as they will have the right equipment, expertise, and enough time to get the job done properly.

Evaluate Performance and Adjust Your Schedule Accordingly

Your cleaning schedule is bound to have some hiccups when you initially set it up. That’s okay. Keep tabs on how well your schedule is working out for your company and make adjustments as needed. You might discover that certain tasks should be tackled more or less frequently, performed by someone else, or approached in a different way to maximize efficiency and cut costs. The best cleaning schedules aren’t built overnight, but rather chiseled down over years of trial and error.

Need Help Creating or Fulfilling Your Cleaning Schedule?

Having a solid schedule in place will help you keep your workplace clean with minimal hassle. At The Budd Group, our facility management specialists have helped countless companies establish, streamline, and execute their cleaning protocols for the betterment of their bottom line and reputation. To learn more about our services and values, give us a call today at 800-221-8158!

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